What’s Your Why?
Lately while perusing podcast land and Audible I’ve found myself seeing a recurring topic - “Your WHY”. Everywhere I look (or listen) someone out in internet land is asking me the same question. “What is your ‘why’ Carolyn?” “You need to know your why!” “Ask yourself - what is my why?” Over and over again I’ve been hearing this verbiage during the past two months. So today while on my lunch break I figured it was time to dig into that. I’m sure many of you have heard about the ‘7 layers deep’ Why. Basically you ask yourself what is important to you and then ask yourself “Why?” - 7 times. Each time delving closer and closer to the real reason why we do anything that is important to us. Seems simple right? But unless you’re really willing to turn over the leaves (or layers) and give it some real thought and depth, the process may just sound redundant.
Anyway, I hoped on the old internet and found http://www.7levelsdeep.com and started answering some questions. I did the exercise a few times from a few different perspectives and I’ll be honest - some of my answers frightened me. But that’s a story for another day. Today, I want to share with you my ‘Why’ when it comes to my little photography business. So buckle up… or grab a coffee or bevy of your choice, and come find out all 7 layers of why photographing your family is so important to me!
Q 1: What do you want to do?
A: I want to run a successful photography business that nurtures connection and authenticity.
Q 2: Why is that important to you?
A: I love meeting new people and helping them to create memories that show their connectedness to one another. People hire a photographer typically because they have a need to document something monumental or important in their life. I know that sometimes when families arrive at my studio they may not feel fully engaged. Family photo sessions in particular can be stressful. There is wardrobe to plan, nap schedules to work around, sometimes unwilling partners (surprise - not everyone loves to be in front of the camera). It can be a real juggling act to say the least. But when families look back at their gallery of images I get to show them the version that I see. The one where toddler fingers are tangled in mom’s hair, or dad’s arms are wrapped around his entire family because they know that is the safest place. Where you can hear the echo of belly laughter or smell the freshness of new baby skin. That is important.
Q 3: Why is that important to you?
A: Every family in this world will experience something difficult or traumatic. None of us are immune unfortunately. I want to be able to give families something truly joyful to reflect on - for years to come. Especially when things feel bleak. When they look back on photos I’ve taken of their growing belly during pregnancy, or their newborn infant, or their family as a whole, I want them to be transported back to that moment in time. That moment when everything felt good and right and life was easy. Even if only for a short while.
Q 4: Why is that important to you?
A: I have an innate desire to help people to feel good. I love to make new mothers feel empowered. I love to watch fathers swell with pride! Children’s giggles literally make me giddy with excitement! And watching a newborn release all of their ‘feel good’ endorphins onto their new parents - well that just might be top of list for me. When I can witness and capture these moments for families I experience a richness like no other. You could say it is like a drug… with an amazing dopamine boost!
Q 5: Why is that important to you?
A: This world is full of garbage just waiting to bring us down. There is mom guilt. There is that in-law or family member always (maybe inadvertently) reminding you of your inadequacies as a parent. There is that job promotion that is always just out of reach. There’s that kid on the playground who won’t let the other kids play with yours. The list could go on and on, and I won’t even touch on the relative state of divisiveness our world is in right now… Point is, I want to be that ray of sunshine that makes you forget about all of that nonsense. I want you to feel like I am that unbiased, judgement free friend and that your life and your family are f*@king perfect - just the way they are. I want your children to wave goodbye to me when our session is over and say ‘Bu-bye Aunty Carolyn, or Tita Carolyn!’ (that last one was a shout out to you Cheryl!) ;-)
Q 6: Why is that important to you?
A: I, like most people, crave human connection. When I photograph families, not only am I able to show them their own beautiful connectedness with one another, but I am also hopefully able to create a connection with them as a human being. There is always a way to be relatable to someone. I love finding that relatability and building on it. I don’t just want to be someone’s photographer. I want to be their friend. I want them to random text me to tell me something about their day or something silly that their child did. I want to feel connected to my clients.
Are you still with me?! We’re finally down to my seventh layer!
Q 7: Why is that important to you?
A: Connection creates trust. I know that I will not be absolutely everyone’s ‘cup of tea’. But it is important to me that clients know that they can trust me. For them to know that I too have those days where the world just feels like a giant shit storm waiting to come crashing down on me. I also have those days where I look at my kids and wonder - what have I missed? Where did I fall off track? Am I still on the track? Where is my coffee??!! lol. This life can be crazy and chaotic and beautiful and calm all at once. Even when the storm gets rough, I want to be able to show you the silver lining. The Bonus: Being able to go back years later and see it all over again through your photos! <3
And there you have it! That wasn’t so hard!
Have you ever done this exercise? Did you find it revealing? Did your 7 levels take you somewhere unexpected? I’d love to hear about it! I’ve done this exercise a few times now over the years and most of the time, my answer comes back down to my children. They are the reason I live and breath. Literally the most important thing to me and my ‘why’ for pretty much everything I do in this life. Funny though - Sawyer told me awhile back that the only reason we had kids in the first place was so that we’d have help with the chores! Hahahaha! What a kid!
I hope you enjoyed the read and if you’re on the hunt for a family photographer (or newborn/maternity photographer) hit me up! I’d love to chat!
As always, thanks for reading, and may your images bring you light and love for years to come!