Let me take you to the twilight zone…. oh wait, we’re already there.
I think we can all agree that this is a crazy time. With the COVID-19 pandemic there are so many uncertainties. Some people are afraid, some people are in denial, and many have just gone into straight up panic mode. I am doing my best to just #staycalm… let’s all ride that same boat together (not literally - let’s be clear I do not want to be on a big boat full of people. We’ve already seen what a bad idea that was). Point is - there’s plenty of room for calm, and if you start to feel that panic rising up, look to your neighbours - we’ll help you.
I think I speak for most everyone when I say that we all want to stay healthy and keep our families and friends safe and healthy. I’m no health expert but I know what precautions I can be taking in order to stay healthy. I know that it is important to wash my hands often. I know that it is important to feed my body healthy foods to keep it strong. I know that it is important to exercise daily. I know that hoarding TP will not grant me immunity (I think deep down we ALL know that). I also think that now is a time when humanity has the chance to really shine. We have the chance to help others who might be in need and to foster a sense of community even while practicing social distancing.
I am looking into the weeks ahead with great uncertainty, but also with positivity. I don’t know if I’ll have any work as a newborn photographer, but I know that I’ll be able to spend the extra time with my children - and that is something positive. I don’t know if I will have family members or friends directly affected by Coronavirus (or as my husband calls it Coniferous), but I do know that as of this morning, it carries a 93% survival rate - and that is something positive. I don’t know if I’ll run out of TP, but I do know that I have a whole bin of socks that are missing a partner… and right now - that is something positive! I also know that I believe in an awesome God whom I can give all of my cares and worries to. So that is pretty great.
Now go spend some time with the people you love. Play some boardgames, have a movie marathon, heck - go have a snowball fight!
As for now, Tiny Fox Photography will be taking every precaution to limit the spread of the virus. Sessions will be booked on a case by case basis. I will be ensuring an open line of communication between myself and any clients coming to the studio. Clients are welcome to postpone sessions that have already been booked. As always, my clients health and wellbeing is my top priority.
As always, thank you for reading and happy social distancing!